Sunday, February 22, 2009

2009 na at eto pa rin ako...

Its already 2009 and its soo funny that after all these years (these blog has actually come a long way) I still rant on and on about my work. Makes me wonder why I bother to write about it. Its actually quite sad and just down right pathetic.

Thank god for the perks cuz staying at the same company (its been almost 6 years already) that makes you want to hurl out your dinner everyday is simply stupid.

I want to write so much more now but unfortunately, I have gotten myself into a situation where I just need to shut up...for now.

To any lost and bored soul out there...pls dont get me wrong though.
The moment I step out of work, its a whole different story.

I get to be with people who make me laugh and happy all the time. I hang out with people who understand me despite my lack of quick wit combined with an abundance of unintelligible humor. I am even a blessed owner of 3, oh yes THREE, loving (un-housetrained Ü) doggies.

I am a vert happy person. Just dont get me started about work.