I just had an affirmation of how harsh and unfair the world can be.
Right in my face, I realized that there are people in this world who can never play a fair game. I've always known this. I'm sure a lot of people have but never in my life has it been rubbed in face, not until today.
I've always believed in justice. That I get what I deserve. What I do is reciprocated by the exact same weight of what I've done. I always believed that this is how things should work. That was the beauty of life for me. You dont get everything. You just get what you deserve.
Unfortunately, I was wrong. Some people can get more than what they deserve and get away with it with a smirk on their faces.
He didn't deserve it. It was unfair. Not to me but to the rest of his supposed equals who never got the chance to play favorite. And what did he do to deserve it? Nothing. He didnt even make an effort.
Not for anything else...
Witnessing injustice can be quite harsh to someone who has always thought that there is always justice and goodness in each and every person's heart. Who am I kidding to actually believe in this kind of "fairy tale" belief?
In the end though, despite all the rants, there is only one way to deal with such an experience.
Deal with it.
Learn from it.
I definitely learned a very very important life lesson today.
Not everyone can be fair.
But I can be. I am. And I will always be.
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