Friday, May 23, 2008

Countdown to a New Life

So many things have been happening to me lately.
Despite my hectic schedule, I just had to take time to blog just to let it all out.

As always, the level of stress at work is at maximum overdrive. It just doesn't stop. I've been reading through most of my entries and have come to realize that its all I write about. Stress here, stress there...well for a change, I have something nice to write about work.

I finally have been given an opportunity to try out my skills with our Training and Development Team! Yipee! First and foremost, I won't have to deal with irate and senseless customers whining about the millions of problems being encountered by the bank. Woooohooo! I'll be transferring to this new team effective June 2. I can't contain my happiness! Too bad I cant show it that much at the office since I would be leaving the Inbound Team. I feel sad too but...

I'm way way happier with the transfer!! Happiness!
I even have a countdown on my calendar now...thats how excited I am! (Thanks to Jenny for this bright idea).

I believe that it would be a very exciting change for me. Definitely something to look forward to since it is a big change from the work that I've been doing for almost 7 years now. I look forward to all the challenge that comes with the change. =)

Another thing that I'm very excited about would be my wedding. Its happening really really soon! Super soon. I can't wait to be Mitch Claro. =)

And last but not the least...

Its almost June 1 so to all those in BDO, it only means one thing...BONUS NA!