Sunday, November 28, 2004

Blown Away

Mind blowing, I tell you!

I think thats the perfect phrase to use right now for all the things happening in my life right now. I had no idea that I'd be caught in such a whirl and that I'd feel this overwhelmed in such a short short span of time.

Time. I have an issue with time. Think of me as old school. I always think that anything that happens to fast or in a very short span of time cannot be real. I could never understand how people can reach an understanding or feel for one another if they've only spent a short time with one another. Yet here I am now, overwhelmed and high after only a month. It cant be what I think it is yet. Too fast. But I'd like to believe that what we both have right now is real and true.

I havent made the big jump yet. I dont plan to do such anytime soon. I am taking my time. I am in no hurry to tie myself down to something that may not be what I'd like it to be yet. I thank God we both understand this. I guess what is essential right now is that we are both happy and we both enjoy what we have right now. Feelings may let you toss and turn all night but as long as you let your mind have its say, then I guess things will turn out well.