Wednesday, January 12, 2005

A Little Nudge

I have not had the time to blog at all. I have not had a decent entry in ages. Ever since January started, I write in short sentences...phrases. Its pathetic actually. I never liked the times when I never ever get to blog and write something of substance. It only means one thing actually. Im having a really crappy day. Most of my recent blogs are of no substance so its fairly safe to say that I've definitely been having crappy days. However, I find no more reason writing down all the bad things that have been happening to me for the past few days. Instead, I have decided to immerse myself in positive energy, positive thoughts and positive vibes. It is pointless to actually bawl and whine and complain about problems. It does not help at all. Well, it does relieve you if you do bawl and whine and complain maybe for a sec but after that, let it all go and just allow yourself to smile. Im lucky enough to have someone who knows exactly how to do that and Im even luckier to have someone who lets the positive energy in him emmanate and give me a little nudge in the back so that I can smile as well.